Tileable backgrounds - Jeremy Nickurak

The following is a series of tileable images I've made. By "tileable", I mean that you can put them together side-by-side without showing a seam. This makes them work really well as a desktop background (just remember to switch from Stretch to Tile mode), or as a background to a website, if you're a webmaster, designer, or just a blogger in need of a background (which is where I started!).

If you see something you'd like to use on a website, personal or commercial, just give me a hollar. For the most part I'm making this images available for free, but if you see yourself doing something particularly profitable with them, I hope you'd have the courtesy to share :). For personal use like desktops and non-commercial websites, you've got my permission to go ahead and use any of these images for whatever you'd like. I really just like FEEDBACK.

If you find you like an image, but it doesn't fit your color scheme, let me know, and I'll be happy to recolor them.

DOWNLOAD: Frigid Preminitions
(right-click to save)
Next Background
A Reasonable Volume
Aftershock of an Imaginary Dewdrop
Airtight Alibi
Assembly Line Bovine
Bipolar Extradimensional Horizon
Black and White and Red All Over
Bottle Forest
Chew Toy 1492
Drink of the eUdder
Eastern Edge
Emptiness of a Burning Cold
Enjoying Ones Ineptitude
Epidemic of Human Nature - Blue
Fishing for Doubloons
Frigid Preminitions
Inception of the Unfathomable
Inefficient Power Grid
Infectious Enthusiasm
Insidious Omen
It Stares At You When You Dont Look
Last Refuge of Disco Penguins
License to Supervise
Map of the Spot
Military Grade Psychotropics
Misguided Adventures in Imaginary Numbers
Neglected Keyboarding Skills
Newest of Influenza Strains
No Day At The Beach
Not A Festive Globular Cluster
Not Thoroughly Shuffled
Odd Place For A Fire Hydrant
Ode To Schmutz On My Scanner
Oh Negative
Oncoming Epidemic of Human Nature
Operand of Inverted Implications
Peek of the Surreal
Persistent Rewt Crack
Plot A Course For The Free World
Prognosis Negative
Ripples in an Imaginary Dewdrop
Rooftop Welding Accident
Rorschachs Closet Skeleton
Sample Bosonic Hadron
Santa Overshot The Chimney
Search for the Unholy Ringworm
Shutting Down the Infinite Improbability Drive
Slavic Rhapsody
Soliloquy of a Broken Shell
Spoils of the Y2K Underdog
Stainglass Window on a Llamas Paradise
Sunrise Breakfast Suite
Terminal Migraine
Thats How The Bijoux Crumble
These Truths We Hold To Be Inconvenient
Trajectoire de Schrodinger
Tripped And Fell
Unassisted Wall Scaling
Unauthorized Bathroom Tiling
Unkempt Facial Hair
Walky Models
Words That We Couldn't Say
Wrinkles - Dark
Yet Unnamed
Zen Rock Garden